The following contains the exact language (italicized) currently found in a standard commercial Waste Management contract specifically related to recycling services.  In addition to excerpts from the contractual agreement, we will follow up with a plain-language interpretation.

Customer shall provide source-separated wastepaper, cardboard, plastics and metals in accordance with the most current ISRI Scrap Specifications Circular and any amendments thereto or replacements thereof. All other Recyclable Materials will be delivered in accordance with industry standards or such specifications communicated to Customer by Company from time-to-time.  [Plain English:  This paragraph seems to be out of place in a standard commercial contract.  It seems as if it would apply to a transporter or customer who brings their own recycling items to a Waste Mgmt. facility.  We are attempting to get more clarity from WM on 11-15-19.  UPDATE:  We were informed by Waste Mgmt. of the following:  “We’ve been working to customize and standardize our recycling language over the past few years.  This may not represent 100% of WM customers, but it does reflect current market conditions and what your customer is signing today and for the next x years, based on our ability to collect clean and marketable recycling materials, and to adapt the program if needed in order to be able to keep recycling.]

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